On Thursday July 9, 2015, (I believe this date is correct, if not I would like to know) on a live broadcast, Doyle spoke about prophets and prophetesses. Doyle spoke, “When God anoints you as a prophetess you're going to have a heart change, you're going to go through things that you won't like. You're going to become a prophetess of the heart of faith and the gospel that's been set forth by God. Prophets and prophetesses are anointed of God and they won't be rebellious, they will not do what they want to do. They are only going to speak the words that God puts in their heart. They won't speak a vision of their own heart. Then Judges chapter 4, starting in verse 1 was read, concerning Debra.” Doyle went on to say, “If you believe God wants you or appointed you to be a prophetess, let me show you how you'll be trained to walk before you go very far.”
When I came to Water of Life Church in 1989, I was 22 years old. I can’t really remember my exact age, but I believe it was when I was between 24-27 years of age that the Lord had a friend/client come into the salon where I was employed. This man was a very good friend and was also a Christian, so we could speak on the things of God as I cut his hair. One day, as he was sitting in the chair, he turned to look at me and he said, Pam God told me you are a prophetess. I remembered I laughed in unbelief.
Now to fast forward, about 6 years ago, Doyle spoke during a service that we needed to seek God on what He has called us in the ministry. As I drove home that day, I began asking the Lord about it and a few minutes later, He said to me, “I already told you, but you wouldn’t believe me.” I was convicted of my unbelief on the spot and I said to Him, “I will endeavor not get in unbelief about this again.” When the devil would start talking, trying to convince me otherwise, as usual he would overplay his hand, I would push it off with my faith in prayer. I have gone through a lot of things that I didn’t like. I have had some extremely hard days, God dealing with my pride, but as I continued to humble myself, He has always brought me through. As I continue to humble myself in all situations, he continues to grant me more and more grace to overcome and walk in what he has ordained for my life.
God bless,
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