I believe I can now share this testimony about what the Father has done for me. About 8 years ago I had 17 fibroid tumors surgically removed. I knew I didn't have the faith for God to heal me at that time. On October 10, 2012, I went to see the Gyno about them, the tumors grew back and this time there were two that had grown to the size of a b...abies head. The doctor told me he did not want to give me a hysterectomy; he then went on to say: I DON'T WANT TO TAKE OUT WHAT GOD PUT IN... I knew after he said that to me, I would not have another surgery. I wanted to believe God, I wanted to believe this gospel and nothing else.
I told a few people what was going on (and they agreed to join their faith with mine), and one of my friends said to me; Pam I believe we have the faith to believe God can shrink them back. ( God had Doyle and others praying for people for a while, and I could sense a change in my heart during that time, the power of God delivering me of spirits). Well that's exactly what has happen. They started shrinking back this year and now fast forward; about 2 weeks ago a strange colored discharge was starting to come out, I didn't realize that a few days before I saw the discharge; I told a friend that God is disolving these tumors. And that is exactly what is going on. Last week for about 5 days, I started bleeding dark blood and mixed with the blood were small pieces of matter. That went on from Monday till this past friday, of course the devil said to me: You're going to become aneimic! Of course I laughed at him! Major confirmation of the power of God disolving those things. Yesterday and today, there was more dark blood, I know that means dead tissue. Every morning when I wake up, the area near my lower abdomen is getting flatter and flatter. Now instead of the tumors being in the shape of two babies heads, there is now about a half inch section left. I expect any second now for a complete healing, I give glory to God!
God Bless,
I told a few people what was going on (and they agreed to join their faith with mine), and one of my friends said to me; Pam I believe we have the faith to believe God can shrink them back. ( God had Doyle and others praying for people for a while, and I could sense a change in my heart during that time, the power of God delivering me of spirits). Well that's exactly what has happen. They started shrinking back this year and now fast forward; about 2 weeks ago a strange colored discharge was starting to come out, I didn't realize that a few days before I saw the discharge; I told a friend that God is disolving these tumors. And that is exactly what is going on. Last week for about 5 days, I started bleeding dark blood and mixed with the blood were small pieces of matter. That went on from Monday till this past friday, of course the devil said to me: You're going to become aneimic! Of course I laughed at him! Major confirmation of the power of God disolving those things. Yesterday and today, there was more dark blood, I know that means dead tissue. Every morning when I wake up, the area near my lower abdomen is getting flatter and flatter. Now instead of the tumors being in the shape of two babies heads, there is now about a half inch section left. I expect any second now for a complete healing, I give glory to God!
God Bless,