On Sunday February 8th, 2015, Doyle cast a spirit of witchcraft out of me that came from my mother. Afterwards, we were instructed by Doyle, "To stay busy with the word of God. Give it all you have, and my friends you will walk free of that spirit." So I took heed to those words spoken by the spirit of God. A few days later, God started dealing with another spirit that got in me through my mother. My father was not a very good provider so she was always afraid we would end up on the streets. That fear was transferred to me. That spirit in me had me believing that pretty much every man was a user. Well that was obviously "A Hateful Bird" that had to be cast out! Last Saturday in the early morning hours, God started bringing my heart to repentance. He showed me every area where that spirit ruled and I knew I had to acknowledge what he was showing me. He started delivering me of that spirit right then! I know there are a lot of women out there that have this thing in their hearts. That men just want to use a woman. Now in the world that is most likely true, but a man walking in the spirit of God, believing this gospel does not walk that way. Let God deliver you of this wicked spirit! It holds back the kingdom, it will hold back good things from you. Let God set you free!
Last Wednesday, February 11th, I noticed that my lips were getting severely dry. By the weekend they were so dry it made it difficult to pray, read, or even eat or drink. The skin was raised and peeling like they had been severely burned. They became a dark color and there was no healthy skin exposed. It was bad! I have never been a big fan of lip balms so I didn't want to start using them, but it became so tormenting I considered doing so but I could not bring myself to purchase some. I'd read somewhere, that juice from a cucumber slice would help soothe them, I tried that, but I knew it would not heal them. I did purchase some Vaseline, and I knew in my heart as soon as I left the store, "Don't put that on your mouth!" So, I didn't and returned it the next day. This may not sound like a big deal to some, but if you have every had this happen to you, you know what I'm talking about. This had never happened to me before, so I had to totally trust Jesus to heal me. Finally last Sunday night during the service while we were up for prayer, I told the Lord. "Jesus, I need you to put some moisture back into my lips, the world says that, that is impossible. That you have to put something on them if you want some relief. I know that every man is a liar and God is true.." Well, within a few seconds as Doyle and the other Girls were praying, I felt moisture start to seep into my lips! "Thank you, Jesus!" By then next morning, I sloughed off the dead skin, and underneath was pink, soft skin. They looked better than they ever had before! He did the impossible! With God, all things are possible. Keep believing that Jesus died, he was buried and rose again the third day!
God Bless,
Pamela Pantea
Last Wednesday, February 11th, I noticed that my lips were getting severely dry. By the weekend they were so dry it made it difficult to pray, read, or even eat or drink. The skin was raised and peeling like they had been severely burned. They became a dark color and there was no healthy skin exposed. It was bad! I have never been a big fan of lip balms so I didn't want to start using them, but it became so tormenting I considered doing so but I could not bring myself to purchase some. I'd read somewhere, that juice from a cucumber slice would help soothe them, I tried that, but I knew it would not heal them. I did purchase some Vaseline, and I knew in my heart as soon as I left the store, "Don't put that on your mouth!" So, I didn't and returned it the next day. This may not sound like a big deal to some, but if you have every had this happen to you, you know what I'm talking about. This had never happened to me before, so I had to totally trust Jesus to heal me. Finally last Sunday night during the service while we were up for prayer, I told the Lord. "Jesus, I need you to put some moisture back into my lips, the world says that, that is impossible. That you have to put something on them if you want some relief. I know that every man is a liar and God is true.." Well, within a few seconds as Doyle and the other Girls were praying, I felt moisture start to seep into my lips! "Thank you, Jesus!" By then next morning, I sloughed off the dead skin, and underneath was pink, soft skin. They looked better than they ever had before! He did the impossible! With God, all things are possible. Keep believing that Jesus died, he was buried and rose again the third day!
God Bless,
Pamela Pantea