Sunday, April 8, 2018

Lingua e interpretazione/ Tongue and Interpretation, Domenica, 8 aprile 2018 italiano/english

Lingua e interpretazione, 13.45.
Il Signore non è languido per quanto rigurda i suoi promessi. “Se io l’ho promesso, sicuramente lo farò buono e succederà,” dice il Signore. “Dovete credere a quello che vi ho detto; tocca a voi a crederci, non a nessun altro.”
Che Dio benedica,
Pamela Pantea

Tongue and Interpretation: Sunday April 8, 2018, 1:45 pm.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promises. If I have promised it, I will surely make it good and it will come to pass, saith the Lord. You wil have to believe what I have told you, it's up to you to believe, no one else.
God bless,

Tongue and Interpretation - April 8, 2018

Tongue and Interpretation given at 1:45 pm.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promises. If I have promised it, I will surely make it good and it will come to pass, saith the Lord. You will have to believe what I have told you, it's up to you to believe, no one else.
God bless,


If the devil comes along and says that you are not saved, it is a pretty sure sign that you are. When he comes and tells you that you are not healed, it may be taken as good evidence that the Lord has sent His Word and healed you. The devil knows that if he can capture your thought life, he has won a mighty victory over you. Smith Wigglesworth
How many times have we been instructed to believe the gospel, the power of God. To keep our eyes on Jesus and not on what is going on around us. Or what we THINK is going on. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2,
For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Jesus said He would never leave us or forsake us!
God bless,
Pamela Pantea