Saturday, September 16, 2017


A separate matter happened earlier yesterday that immediately brought much frustration to me, and I started to grumble. As soon as I heard myself I hated how is sounded. I also knew the Lord showed me right then, go get your faith working, don't waste another minute dwelling on that thing, thinking about that thing, if it was gonna change it wasn't gonna come by grumbling and complaining, it was going to come by me putting off the fear, the doubt the unbelief in my heart. And I do so by starting to Worship and Praise the Father and Jesus. MUCH gets put off simply by doing this from the heart. THEN, i get my heart on that Gospel, that Jesus died for my sins according to the scripture , that He was buried , and that He Rose Again the third day. Things get moving by then and the Lord and I have some serious talks, and I pour out my heart before Him. And I listen for what He impresses upon my heart, His leading , His direction. This is for anyone. I'm not one bit special, you can do the same and get the same results. Thank God He is no respector of persons. As I was doing these things I felt faith rise in my heart and I knew not to fret one moment longer, answers from the Lord would be coming. And they did, and they are , and some yet to come! God Bless

Karen Fairchild

To Him Who Sits on the Throne by the Mai Girls

Family of God