Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This Gospel Works!

About a year ago, a weird rash developed on the back of my neck and it would get so bad at time, it would not only itch but burn. I tried to overcome it but could not, so I went to the doctor and she prescribed a topical cream. The cream would cause the rash to go away, but it would always come back a few months later. Finally I ran out of it and didn’t believe it was right to re-fill the prescription.
This year, about a month ago or so the rash came back. I noticed this time it didn’t burn or spread out like the last time, but it was still tormenting. So after about a week of this, I made an appointment to see the doctor the next day, which was Saturday. As I was about to make the call, I remembered how I believed God a few years back on the way to an allergist and He healed me of sinus infections while lying on the examining table.
I spoke to Keith Leahy about it on Friday, joining my faith with his, he prayed for me and the itching started to ease up a bit. I was using a natural topical ointment, but it was not really helping much, just temporary relief. I didn’t want temporary, I wanted permanent relief!
I woke up around 3 am Saturday, and noticed the rash was drying up. Later that morning, I tuned in to Scott Parker’s recent audio, “Led of the Spirit” and I joined my faith with his as he spoke and my faith began to rise. I was thinking about the prescription I knew the doctor would want to give me, and I heard the Lord say, “You don’t have to get it filled.”
I knew it was not right to cancel the appointment at the last minute, so I went believing the gospel, believing God on the way there.
When I arrived the rash had completely dried up and when the doctor took a look at it, she confirmed that it had. I told her that I friend had prayed for me and that we had prayed for the Lord to heal me completely. She then said to me, “Well, I believe that prayer works, would you ever pray for me, if anything happens?!” She was actually laughing, the joy of the Lord was in that room.
God bless,