Sunday, July 8, 2018

Rising Into the Heavenlies, May 30, 1925 Smith Wigglesworth

 Rising Into the Heavenlies, May 30, 1925 Smith Wigglesworth
One day I went to a certain place and a gentleman there said to me, “Would you like to see the purification of gold?” I replied, “Yes.” So he got some gold and put it into a crucible, and put a blast of heat under it. First it became blood red, and then changed and changed. Then this man took an instrument and passed it over the gold. It drew off something, which was foreign to the gold. He did this several times, until every bit of that foreign substance was taken away. Then he said to me, “Look!” And there we both saw our faces in the gold! It was wonderful!
My brother, the trial of your faith is much more precious than of gold that perisheth. As you are tested in the fire, the Master is bringing the dross to the surface, that He may take it away, all that hinders His image being seen in you—taking away all the dross from your life, all that is not enduring, all that is not precious in His sight.
It is lovely to know that, in times of misunderstanding, times when you are in the right and yet are treated as though you were in the wrong, God is meeting you, blessing you, accomplishing something which will not only glorify His name, but be to your “praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” So do not chafe or fret; let the fire burn; it will do you good.

Walter H. Beuttler

Walter H. Beuttler
Born in Germany in 1904, Walter Beuttler immigrated to the United States in 1925. Shortly after immigrating he came to the Lord in New York City after entering and attending Glad Tidings, Brother & Sister Brown's church. Graduating from Central Bible Institute in 1931 he entered several pastorates. He was invited to join the faculty of Eastern Bible Institute in GreenLane, PA. in 1939 by Brother Allan Swift and served until 1972. In 1951 God called him to "go and teach all nations."
From: Manifestations of the Spirit
I went to Bible school in 1927. I told you that. I was new in this thing. I knew God wanted me there, and then I met with what I thought was a great misfortune. The school had a matron, and the matron put me on the duty of washing dishes. Of all things: washing dishes! I didn’t like to wash dishes. I didn’t believe in it. Oh, I like to eat on clean dishes, but I didn’t believe that I should be the one to make them clean.
I told the matron, “Miss Sunder, I’m not washing dishes.”
She said, “What!”
I repeated, “I’m not washing dishes.”
She said, “How is that?”
I answered, “I’m a German.”
“What’s that got to do with it?”
“German men don’t wash dishes. That’s a woman’s job. They don’t wash dishes anymore than they would shine their shoes. That’s the wife’s job, or the daughters of the house, not the man. I’m not washing dishes. That’s an insult to my manhood, to my dignity.”
Ooh! You should have seen her eyes. She said, “Walter, you’re going to wash dishes until you like it.”
Well, I could read her face. What I saw made me say within myself, “I think I would be well advised not to say anymore.”
So I didn’t, but I could think what I liked. That’s what I did. What did I think? “Like fun, I will wash dishes!” I was angry. I stamped back to my room and said to myself, “If I’m in a Bible school that believes men should wash dishes, I’m in the wrong school. And if I’m in a religion that believes men should wash dishes, I’m in the wrong religion, and I’m going to quit both the school and Pentecost.” I was angry like a real German blowing his top.
Incidentally, I have changed. Ask Wife back there. Bible school does a lot of things for you that you didn’t figure on.
I packed my cases and walked out of the school in a huff. I was through with Pentecost, once and for all. I meant it. But I knew in a certain city nearby there was going on what they called an All-Day Meeting, the last Friday of the month. This was the last Friday. I’m a little sentimentalist in many ways, and I thought, “I’ll go once more to a Pentecostal meeting, my last one, just by way of sort of saying, goodbye.” So I went.
My suitcases stood out in the hall. The church was in a house, a small group. I sat in front of the preacher in the third row, rebellious in my heart. “But after this meeting, I’ll pack my cases and I’ll go.” Where to I didn’t know, but I wanted to go.
That man came out with an utterance of the Spirit that cut me to the heart. You’ve never heard anything like it. I didn’t in all these years. Nobody knew a thing about the condition I was in. This pastor was a very nice, smooth, very kind Englishman, fine man. I never heard him rough anybody up. He always was so congenial, not this time.
I heard him thunder in the Spirit, “Rebellious man!” And he shouted on top of his voice, “Rebellious man!” And the Lord cut me. In fact, I slumped down between the seats. It was as though a knife had pierced me, and that man came out with my rebelliousness against the will of the Lord. And then he added, “Submit thyself unto the mighty hand of God,” and I realized for the first time that the matron’s hand was the hand of God on me - and a woman’s hand at that! A woman’s hand was God’s hand! Whew! That was hard for a German to swallow.
The tone changed and he said, “And then the Lord will do thus and so.” There was a wonderful promise what God would do if I would submit myself and return to the will of the Lord. I knew what it meant, “Go back to Bible school.”
“Thus shall the secret of his heart be made manifest.” God manifested to me the reality of my rebellious spirit, my great need of submission.
I stayed for the evening service. After the service, I went back to school, but I got there after 10:00. At 10:00 o’clock they lock the doors. The matron’s apartment was right next to the door. She would be the first to open the door. Of all people, she was the last one I wanted to see, so I stood there wondering what to do.
I wondered what I should say. I could hear her already, “Well young man, and where do you come from? Come right in my room. I have some questions to ask you.” I could hear her already, and I was a little scared, really.
I thought, “I’m going to try the door.” Hallelujah, Glory! The door wasn’t locked. Somebody forgot to lock it, or didn’t lock it. I went in stealthily up to my room No. 11, put my things back in the dresser, went to bed, got up, showed up in the kitchen the next morning - washing dishes.
A strange thing happened here. I do not understand it. Nobody asked me where I was. I was gone all day. Nobody asked. The teachers didn’t say, “Why weren’t you in class?” I do not understand it. The matron didn’t say, “Why didn’t you wash dishes yesterday?” Nobody said a word about my absence. I’m puzzled, but I was smart enough not to ask any questions. So I thought, “Well, I didn’t say goodbye, why say hello, and give myself away.”
I washed dishes for four more weeks. The matron came and said, “Walter, I’m now changing your duty. You have washed dishes long enough.”
I said, “Miss Sunder, don’t change my duty. I like to wash dishes.” She was right.
She had said, “You’ll wash dishes until you like them.” But it took a prophetic utterance in the Holy Ghost to expose my awesome rebelliousness to myself and bring me back into the center of the will of God. “Thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.”
You know as a young fellow in the Lord, quite newly saved, I had a hobby. My hobby was turtles, little green turtles. I suppose you have them in New Zealand. I thought they were the cutest things that God ever made. I had never seen them in Germany. In NewYork or thereabouts, you could get them for a dime a piece. I had them in an aquarium. You know those things so captivated me; they so captivated me that they interfered with my devotions. Can you beat that? Turtles interfered with my devotions. (Now this is foolish, but we’re capable of it.)
I had read that you have to let them exercise or their legs would swell. So while I had my prayers, I took them out of the aquarium and let them walk on the floor. I could hear them while they were walking. I didn’t hear them walk, and decided I must look for them somewhere. I’d find them stuck under the bed, or someplace where they crawled and couldn’t get out. So I had to crawl over, under and get them out, and let them walk the other way, and go back to my prayers. Isn’t that silly? And the Lord wouldn’t put up with that kind of stuff, and you can’t blame Him. I don’t.
Finally the Lord dealt with me, severely in the Spirit, to get rid of these things. So I got rid of the turtles, but the aquarium (which cost a few dollars) I did not get rid of. I put it up on the shelf in my closet just in case I wanted to change my mind. Then I’d already have the aquarium, and the turtles you get at Woolworth’s for a dime. So I had this all nicely fixed, and the Lord took notice.
That evening I went to church, and this same pastor, Swift, a great man of God was speaking that night giving a Bible study. I owe him a lot in my own ministry. In his study, his teaching, he came to a place and he said, “Now then, when God asks you to get rid of something, get rid of it, don’t put it up on a shelf.” I was dumbfounded. I knew right away. “Thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest.”
God got to my heart, and I said to Brother Swift after the service, “Brother Swift, what made you say that?”
He said, “I don’t know. It just came along and I said it.”
Well, I didn’t tell him what was up, but I knew what was up: I had to get rid of that aquarium.

Sfințirea lui Elliot Hodge/Sanctification of Elliot Hodge introduced by Doyle Davidson - română

Sfințirea lui Elliot Hodge, în curs de traducere în limba română, a fost făcut cunoscută de către Doyle Davidson în august 2012. Versiunea în limba engleză poate fi găsită pe website-ul – indicele de postare. Aici aveți mărturia sa personală despre Elliot Hodge:
''L-am auzit pe Elliot Hodge vorbind de câteva ori în anii ’40 la Biserica Redwood, în comitatul Jasper/Newton din Missouri. Totuși, nu l-am auzit nicicând vorbind despre ce s-a întâmplat atunci când și-a pierdut brațul. Și acest lucru cu siguranță ar încuraja o persoană care crede în Dumnezeu. Elliot Hodge a fost un tânăr respins de oameni, persecutat, criticat, i s-a spus să plece în altă parte, însă se pare că Elliot nu s-a dat niciodată bătut. Într-o zi, Dumnezeu a intervenit în viața sa și această mărturie cu siguranță oferă glorie Domnului!
La pagina 18 există o mărturie despre unchiul meu Floyd și despre bunicul meu Luther Davidson. Unul dintre ei a donat sânge pentru Elliot Hodge. Familia mea l-a cunoscut foarte bine. Vă recomand să citiți această mărturie cu inima și cu mintea deschise și să Îl lăsați pe Dumnezeu să vă îndrume.
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze. Doyle Davidson
The Sanctification of Elliot Hodge, which is being translated in Romanian, was made known by Doyle Davidson in August 2012. The english version can be found at his website – posting index. Here is his personal testimony about Elliot Hodge:
''I heard Elliot Hodge speak several times in the 1940’s at Redwood Church, on the Jasper/Newton County line in Missouri. However I never heard him share this testimony of what happened when he lost his arm. It will certainly encourage a person that is believing God. Elliot Hodge was as a young boy rejected of men, persecuted, criticized, told to go on someplace else, yet it doesn’t appear that Elliot ever gave up. One day God intervened into his life and this testimony most certainly gives Glory to God!
On page 18 there is a testimony about my Uncle Floyd and my grand father Luther Davidson. One or the other gave blood to Elliot Hodge. That’s how well my family knew him. I recommend you read this with an open heart and an open mind and let God minister to you.
God bless, Doyle Davidson

Sfințirea lui Elliott Hodge: O scurtă descriere a vieții mele
Tuturor sfinților dragi ai Celui Preaînalt, salutări! Am fost rugat de mulți dintre sfinții dragi ai Domnului să scriu despre experiența mea din spital, să povestesc despre cum minunatul Domn din Ceruri Și-a manifestat marea putere vindecătoare în mine, atunci când toate celelalte soluții au eșuat. Dar mai întâi, vreau să vă fac o scurtă descriere a vieții mele, de atunci când mă aflam în păcat și Dumnezeu m-a salvat din el.
Nu sunt un bun scriitor, dar în felul meu mai brut, vreau să vă povestesc tuturor celor interesați despre cât de intrat în păcat am fost și despre miraculoasa mea transformare spre Domnul și Salvatorul Isus Hristos, căruia Îi ofer toată gloria.
M-am născut în Bluefield, Virginia de Vest, în ziua de 26 decembrie, 1885. Am fost primul copil născut al domnului și doamnei George Hodge. Am locuit în acea parte a țării până când am avut în jur de 12 ani. Când ne-am mutat în partea de vest a Carolinei de Nord, mama și tatăl meu s-au despărțit și, după un timp, un tată vitreg a venit în casa mea. Ne-am mutat din Carolina de Nord în Evansville, Indiana. Și de atunci încolo ne-am tot mutat dintr-un loc în altul.
Din Indiana am plecat spre Illinois, de acolo către Missouri, apoi către Arkansas și apoi spre Kansas. Acolo, mama mea dragă a murit în anul 1904. Tatăl meu a mai trăit și el un an după aceea; din câte știu, ambii au murit în păcat, nefăcând niciodată pace cu Dumnezeu. Am rămas băiat orfan la șaptesprezece ani, cu un tată vitreg pe care nu îl plăceam și care nici el nu mă plăcea pe mine; așa că nu ne-am înțeles deloc. Și de aici a început cariera mea. După cum v-am spus, în anul 1904, în ziua de 4 februarie, mama mea a murit; și am plecat de acasă în data de 22 a următoarei luni de februarie. Având un anumit dor de ducă și niciun loc anume în care voiam să mă opresc, am mers către sud, dintr-un oraș micuț numit Litchfield, din Kansas.
Nu știam unde merg și nici nu prea îmi păsa, voiam doar să plec, mă simțeam ca și când nu aveam casă sau prieteni și pe nimeni care să îmi dea un sfat; mă simțeam așa cum spunea și David că se simte. “Aruncă-Ţi ochii la dreapta… orice scăpare este pierdută pentru mine; nimănui nu-i pasă de sufletul meu.” Psalmi 142:4. Mergeam către sud fără vreun scop și, la un moment dat, m-am oprit într-un mic oraș cunoscut ca Neosho, în Missouri.
Am lucrat acolo câteva zile pentru un vechi prieten de-al nostru, C. C. Peterson, lucrând în domeniul de transport al mobilierului. Având încă dorul de ducă, după cum l-ar numi unii, încă simțind că nu am niciun prieten pe lume și, neștiind cum să îmi fac prieteni, am plecat din nou, oprindu-mă de data asta într-un oraș numit Denning, în Arkansas. Am locuit acolo cu familia când eram copil și m-am gândit că poate voi întâlni pe cineva cunoscut. Așa că am mers să lucrez în minele care existau în zonă, asumându-mi astfel un mare risc. Simțeam că trebuie neapărat să continui și că nu trebuie niciodată să mă opresc. Mi se părea că nimănui nu îi pasă de mine. Nu am primit prea multe cuvinte binevoitoare de când murise mama mea și cam pe atunci am început să înțeleg ce importantă e o mamă în viața unui băiat sau a unei fete în această viață.

Neavând nicio casă și niciun loc în care puteam să merg, niciun prieten adevărat, m-am decis să mai plec o dată. Dacă nu ați trecut niciodată prin aceste lucruri, nu puteți să înțelegeți cu adevărat câtă ardoare există în inima unui băiat fără casă și fără prieteni într-o lume așa de mare. Așa că fără niciun obiectiv anume, într-o noapte pe la ora trei, am mers la sediul companiei Coal & Coke la care eram angajat, mi-am calculat orele lucrate și mi-am plătit cazarea, iar apoi mi-am început din nou călătoria.

A Revival is Coming - Praise and Worship