Several times over the last year, the Lord put in my heart to get an old hymnal. My niece is married to a pastor at a Nazarene Church in Big Springs, Texas. I asked her if she had one and if it were possible if she could send it to me. However, the Lord sent me to visit my sister in September of last year, so I told her I would get it then.
Well, God had a different plan, I never made it to Big Springs. After I got back, Pam and I went to a used book store to look for hymnals, and there were none. I got distracted afterwards and forgot about it. God would bring it up from time to time and I would search and never could find one. A week ago, I knew I had to obey God. The devil was blocking me. I talked to Pam about it and told her I was going to ask my niece or my mother if they had one at their church that I could purchase. However, God is so good He led Pam to the right place.
Pam’s account: I went to run an errand and the Lord brought up in my heart to go back to that book store and I said to the Lord, “Lord, we have already gone there and there was nothing,” but I knew I had to go back. When I did, there were tons of hymnals on that shelf. I asked the Lord, which one did He want us to have and I saw a big green hymnal, and guess what the title of it was? “ Hymns for the Family Of God”! God instructed me to give the hymnal to Dianna, because He wanted her in charge of finding the songs.
Dianna’s account: I got the hymnal, went through it and found several songs that I remembered from my youth, but I told the Lord, He would have to bring up the one He wanted. At work yesterday, the Lord brought up one that was in the book. He said to me, “I Surrender All”.
I searched on and they had it. There were three, but there was only one that was right. So, we will be coming out with that one, when God directs. This may seem a simple thing, but for me it was God showing me that I have a music ministry, and we ought to obey when He tells us to do something; and not put it off. He was gracious with me this time, I will endeavor not to do that again. In addition, He’s showing both of us, we need to surrender all.
God bless,
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