Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Lord Is Our Helper!

I would like to share a testimony about praying what we were instructed to pray by the spirit of God. I don’t remember the time frame, when Doyle instructed us to pray, “ The Lord is our helper, which is from Hebrews 13:6, 6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
As we were instructed to pray it more and more, things started changing immediately. I prayed it for hours and hours, and yesterday the Lord showed me that I had unforgiveness towards myself, and we know what that will and can do to a person. You are also in pride, when you won’t forgive yourself.
The Lord revealed to me that I had forgiven others but never myself and it had caused me many problems. As I continued to pray this prayer, bondages started breaking and I could hear the voice of God better about certain situations, and I also prayed along with it, “I forgive myself”!
As I would pray this, my mind would say, “ You Are Crazy to do this” ! But I kept it up and now I am seeing fantastic results! What I experienced from praying this, is that there are areas that only God knows we need help with. We don’t know, but He does!
So I will boldly say, the Lord is my helper!
God bless,

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