Monday, March 26, 2018

The Anointing Destroys the Yoke - Praise and Worship

My miracle / Mărturie despre miracolul meu / română și engleză

Mărturie despre miracolul meu
de Diane Atkinson Baker

Tocmai plecasem de la Expoziția Downton Abbey, încercam să consult harta pentru a mă întoarce la hotel, și,  din anumite motive, nu am putut să prind nicio legătură. Le-am trimis un mesaj copiilor în care le-am spus că îi voi suna când ajung înapoi la hotel. Mi-am pus telefonul în haină și am traversat strada. Am vrut să scot telefonul imediat după ce am traversat strada, dar nu era acolo. Evident, când l-am pus în buzunarul hainei, am ratat buzunarul și telefonul a căzut pe stradă. Când m-am întors, era un tip acolo, uitându-se la telefonul lui, și l-am întrebat dacă nu cumva a găsit acel telefon. A spus că nu și mi l-a arătat. I-am explicat ce s-a întâmplat, i-am dat numărul meu de telefon și el l-a format. A sunat prima dată, iar a doua oară a intrat direct mesageria. S-a oferit să sune pe cineva pentru mine, dar am refuzat; i-am spus unde stau și l-am întrebat dacă mă îndrept în direcția cea bună către hotel. A fost foarte drăgut, s-a scuzat și a plecat.

M-am tot învârtit pe-acolo timp de 10 minute bune, uitându-mă și continuând să-mi verific buzunarul și geanta. Nu voiam să plec și să recunosc că tocmai îmi pierdusem telefonul. Voiam să plâng, dar știam că dacă aș face asta, nu ar fi doar câteva lacrimi. M-am abținut, având acel sentiment urât. Nu mă puteam gândi decât la faptul că telefonul nu era prevăzut cu o măsură de blocare. Nu-mi păsa de nimic altceva. Eram îngrijorată. Oare cum va avea acea persoană acces la viața mea? În timp ce mergeam mai departe, diavolul  îmi băga tot felul de gânduri în minte. Încerca să mă facă sa-mi fie teamă de faptul că cineva îmi luase telefonul. Am încercat să mă stăpânesc, zicând: «Nu, diavolule!»
Isus a murit pentru păcatele mele, a fost înmormântat  și s-a înălțat din nou a treia zi. Asta este puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru mântuirea mea. Am început să-I aduc aminte de faptul că cred în ceea ce a făcut pentru mine când Și-a sacrificat viața. Toate lucrurile de care avem nevoie au fost făcute pentru noi. Am început să-mi alung îndoiala, necredința și răzvrătirea. I-am adus aminte că știu că totul este posibil dacă am credință. Nu conta faptul că era New York, El putea să-mi aducă telefonul înapoi! Putea să-mi aducă telefonul!

Parcă aș fi trecut pe lângă 20 de blocuri în doar câteva minute. Am ajuns în camera mea și am îngenunchiat. Isuse, fiu al lui David, ai milă! Te rog, Doamne, ai milă! Ce sentiment urât! Era ca și cum aș fi  fost izolată de toată lumea. Trebuia să le spun colegilor mei. Am luat telefonul și am sunat la recepție. Când mi s-a răspuns, tot ceea ce am putut să spun a fost numele meu și faptul că mi-am pierdut telefonul. Femeia a zis: «Da, telefonul tău...este un tip aici.» Parcă se bâlbâia. Am întrerupt-o, zicând: «Vin imediat acolo.»
Merg la ghișeu și femeia îmi zice: «Te așteaptă afară.» Bărbatul îmi spune: «Va ști cine ești când te va vedea.» Ies afară și este același tip cu care vorbisem. Se uită la mine, zâmbește și-mi arată telefonul. Îmi zice: «Am continuat să sun până a răspuns cineva și i-am spus despre tine. M-am întâlnit cu el și mi l-a dat.» Luase numărul de telefon al tipului și m-a rugat să-l sun pentru a-i mulțumi că mi-a restituit telefonul. Doar am dat din cap. Nu mai puteam să scot niciun cuvânt, atât de tare plângeam în hohote, iar el mi-a cerut să-l îmbrățișez. Am intrat înăuntru și personalul de la recepție m-a întrebat ce s-a întâmplat. S-au strâns cu toții de jur împrejur și au dat din cap, zicând: «Așa ceva nu se întâmplă în orașul New York.»

Dacă credeți că asta nu m-a făcut să mă trezesc, vă înșelați. Nu vreau să mai fac alt pas fără să știu care este direcția Lui pentru mine.
Mulțumesc, Isuse, că ești Dumnezeul meu!

My Miracle
by Diane Atkinson Baker

I had just left the Downton Abby Exhibit, and was trying to pull up the map to go back to the hotel, and for some reason, I couldn’t get a connection. I text the kids and let them know I would call when I got back to the hotel. I dropped my phone into my coat and crossed the street. I went to get my phone again as soon as I had crossed the street, and it wasn’t there. Evidently when I dropped it into my coat pocket, I missed the pocket, and it dropped on the road. When I turned around, there was a guy there looking at his phone, and I ask him if he just found that phone? He said no and showed it to me. I explained to him what happened, gave him my number and he called it. It rang the first time and the second time it went straight to voicemail. He offered to call someone for me, I said no, I told him where I as staying, and ask if would just make sure I am headed in the right direction to my hotel. He was very nice, apologized, and left.

I paced around there for a good 10 min, looking and continuing to check my pocket and purse. Not wanting to walk away and admit, I had just lost my phone. I wanted to cry, but knew if I did, it wouldn’t be just a few tears. I held them back with this sick feeling. All I could think of was the fact that the phone did not have a lock on it. I didn’t care about anything else. I was worried. What kind of access would this person have into my life. As I walked away, that devil was putting all kinds of thoughts into my head. He was trying to make me afraid for the fact that someone had my phone. I started getting a hold of myself, and said, no devil!
Jesus died for my sins, he was buried, and he rose again the 3rd day. That is the power of God for my salvation. I just started reminding him, that I believed what He did for me when he laid his life down. Whatever we need, has been done for us. I started putting off doubt, unbelief, and rebellion. I reminded him that I knew, anything was possible if I believed. It didn’t matter if it was New York, he could bring my phone back! He could bring my phone to me!
It seemed like I walked 20 blocks in a matter of minutes. I got to my room and fell on my knees. Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy! Please Lord, have mercy! What a sick feeling. It was like I was completely shut off from everyone. I needed to let my coworkers know. I picked up the phone and called the front desk. When they answered, all I could say was my name, and I had lost my phone. She says, “yes, your phone, there’s this guy down here”. She was like stuttering. I just cut her off, and said, I’ll be right there.
I go to the desk, she says, he is waiting outside. He says, he’ll know you when he sees you. I go out, and it’s the same guy I spoke with. He looks at me and smiles and holds up my phone. He says, I just kept calling the number till someone answered, and I told him about you. He met me and gave it to me. He had gotten the guys phone number and ask me to make sure I called him and thanked him for returning it. I just shook my head. I couldn’t say anything, I was sobbing so hard, and he ask for a hug. I go in, and the staff at the front desk ask what happened. They all gathered around, and just shook their heads and said, that doesn’t happen in New York City.
If you think that didn’t wake this girl up, you are mistaken. I don’t want to take another step without knowing what his direction is for me.
Thank you, Jesus, that you are my Lord!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

1 Corinthian 13

I was awaken this morning with a couple of these verses in this chapter in my heart and the spirit of God began to give me a little more understanding of them. As I began to read the chapter, God began opening the eyes of my understanding a little bit more. Thank God.

1) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2) And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
3) And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
4) Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6) Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7) Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
8) Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
9) For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10) But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11) When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12) For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13) And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

God bless,

Monday, March 5, 2018

Psalm 19:1-6

1) The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2) Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3) There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4) Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5) Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6) His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
I thank God, that this gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is being sent to the four corners of the earth.
God bless you,
Keith Leahy
Servant and prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ

Sunday, March 4, 2018

His Spirit Never Failed

This excerpt from “Jesus On The Cross” came up this morning.
Excerpt from: “Jesus On The Cross” (Page 3): Doyle Davidson
One night in 1986, I was walking in the country, where I walk and run and pray. I was meditating and speaking to God concerning some actions He was requiring of me. I was troubled with what God was telling me to do. I could not believe that it was God.
The Father said to me: "That Spirit in you has been tried every way that It can be tried, and It has never failed." He was talking about the Spirit of His Son. "That Spirit has been tried every way that you can try It, and It has never failed." That built a trust in my spirit.
That was a word of prophecy to my heart. It edified my spirit. Since that day, I have never been afraid that my spirit would fail, because it is the Spirit of Christ in me. If a person wants to follow God, there is absolutely no reason for that person to fall into any type of sin.
God bless,

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Nicio Durere! / No Pain! română/english

Testimony by Kathryn Currier
Cred că este corect să împărtășesc o poveste a unei prietene de-ale mele postată în 20 noiembrie 2014. Știu că vă va binecuvânta, așa cum m-a binecuvântat pe mine.
Soțul meu a fost un tâmplar și un antreprenor general și cândva prin 1990 sau 1991 s-a accidentat la locul de muncă. După ce a văzut ridiografiile spatelui său, medicul i-a sus că are nevoie de o intervenție chirurgicală. Noi nu aveam nicio asigurare medicală și când i-am spus și medicului, acesta i-a spus pe scurt că nu îl poate ajuta și L-a trimis la Spitalul Universitar unde se acceptă cazuri fără asigurare și îți trimit o factură în funcție de venitul tău. Chirurgul, care i-a examinat și el radiografiile, i-a spus că nici el nu poate să îl ajute. I-a spus că va trebui să își găsească un alt domeniu de muncă și să învețe cum să gestioneze durerea; noi au fost oarecum descurajați.
Soțul meu a contactat apoi niște servicii sociale la îndemnul altora; încă o dată, i s-a spus că nu ar putea face prea multe pentru el, cel puțin până când nu ar fi fost șomer de mai bine de șase luni. Îți voi spune asta acum: asta a fost mila lui Dumnezeu, fiindcă El a avut un plan mai bun. Urma ca El să Se descopere nouă într-un fel pe care nu ni-l puteam imagina vreodată.
Soțul meu era singur acasă într-o zi și I-a spus Domnului, "Asta nu poate fi voia ta!" și Domnul a răspuns, "Dacă vrei să știi voia mea, ia o biblie și citește-o." Soțul meu a făcut asta. Cu multă durere, a luat mașina și a condus în oraș a cumpărat o biblie și a început cu începutul. A citit timp de zile și săptămâni și Dumnezeu i-a dezvăluit lucruri și el a văzut că puterea lui Dumnezeu a fost disponibilă. În acest timp niște prieteni de-ai noștri au întâlnit un om prin contacte de afaceri și au aflat că acest om se roagă pentru alții și ei s-ar vindeca. L-au încurajat pe soțul meu să îl întâlnească pe acest om, poate că el ar putea ajuta. Soțul meu a fost dispus să încerce și în inima lui a apărut o credință că Dumnezeu ar putea face ceva pentru el. Ne-am întâlnit cu el și ne-am pus în legătură și în scurt timp s-a stabilit o întâlnire și ne-am dus la casa cuplului pentru ca acest om să se roage pentru soțul meu.
Aș vrea să intervin aici și să spun că eu nu credeam în nimic, de fapt mi-a fost frică să nu cumva să nu se vindece și acest lucru să îi rănească credința; cel puțin asta e ceea ce am împărtășit cuiva--necredința totală din partea mea.
Am ajuns la casa lor și după o scurtă perioadă de conversație și lectură a unor scripturi (nu îmi amintesc care erau) acest om s-a așezat lângă soțul meu și a început să se roage pentru el. Nu a fost o rugăciune lungă și îmi amintesc puțin din ce a spus el dar știu că s-a rugat în numele lui Isus. Am mers acasă și ne-am dus la culcare.
În dimineața următoare eram trează de ceva timp când am mers în camera de zi unde soțul meu numai ce se trezise și stătea acolo. El s-a uitat la mine și a spus, "Kathy, nu mai am nicio durere," Eram uimită. El plângea.
Două săptămâni mai târziu a primit o muncă de acoperiș și el se afla pe un acoperiș lucrând.
Viața mea s-a schimbat pentru totdeauna. Dumnezeu mi-a permis să vad puterea Lui manifestându-Se chiar în fața ochilor mei. Funcționa complet. Au fost momente când diavolul îl lovea cu durere în spate și el rezista, citea și se ruga și era bine. Nu știam în acel moment că evanghelia era moartea, îngroparea și învierea Domnului Isus, dar soțul meu a fost ca femeia din Matei care spunea despre Isus, "...dacă aș putea să Îi ating haina, voi fi întreagă."
Dacă aveți o nevoie în viața voastră, vă îmcurajez să apelați la Domnul. El nu este părtinitor, puterea Sa este disponibilă pentru "oricine va chema numele Domnului."
Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze,

I believe it is right to share a testimony a friend of mine posted on November 20th, 2014. I know it will bless you as it has me.

No Pain! by Kathryn Currier
My husband was a carpenter and general contractor and sometime in 1990 or 1991 he was injured at work. After seeing the X-rays of his back, his physician told him he would need surgery. We had no medical insurance and when the physician learned that, he wasted little time in telling him he couldn't help him and sent him to University Hospital where they would take cases without insurance and set payment according to a sliding scale. The surgeon, who examined him and reviewed his X-rays, told him he couldn't help him either. He told him he would need to find another line of work and learn to manage the pain; we were somewhat discouraged.
My husband then contacted social services at the urging of others; once again he was told there was little they could do for him, at least until he had been unemployed for six months. I will tell you this now: that was the mercy of God because He had a better plan. He was going to reveal Himself to us in a way we could never imagined.
My husband was home alone one day and told the Lord, "This cannot be your will!" and the Lord responded, "If you want to know my will, get a bible and read it." My husband did just that. In much pain, he drove himself to town and bought a bible and began at the beginning. He read for days and weeks and God was revealing things to him and he saw that God's power was available. During this time some friends of ours had met a man through business contacts and learned that this man prayed for people and they would be healed. They encouraged my husband that he needed to meet this man, maybe he could help him. Well my husband was willing to try it and there was some faith in his heart that God would do something for him. We met them and became acquainted and it wasn't long before a meeting was arranged and we were on our way to this couple's house for the man to pray for him.
I would like to interject right here that I didn't believe anything, in fact I was afraid that if he wasn't healed it would hurt his faith; at least that's what I shared with someone--total unbelief on my part.
We arrived at their house and after a short period of conversation and reading some scriptures (I have no remembrance of what they were.) this man stood my husband up and prayed for him. It wasn't a long prayer and I remember little of what he said but I know he prayed in the name of Jesus. We went home and went to bed.
The next morning I had been up and about for awhile and as I walked into the living room, my husband had just gotten up and was standing there. He looked at me and said, "Kathy, I don't have any pain," I was stunned. He was weeping.
Two weeks later he had a roofing job and was on a roof, working.
My life was forever changed. God allowed me to see His power manifest right before my eyes. It was a complete work. There were a few times the devil would hit him with pain in his back and he would resist it, read and pray and be fine. I didn't know at that time, that the gospel was the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, but my husband was like the woman in Matthew who said about Jesus, "...if I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole."
If you have a need in your life, I encourage you to call upon the Lord. He is no respecter of persons, His power is available to "whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord."
God Bless you,

Friday, March 2, 2018

Luke 10

Today during lunch, I stopped by the post office to mail some packages. As I was going in the entrance, there was another gentleman who held the door open and I said, “Thank you sir.” Well, when I went to the line this man was standing on my left side which I noticed was strange and had some quick discernment that this was a devil in him. As I stood there, another man came in and he asked him, “Sir may I say something to you?” The man was cordial and said yes. Well this man continued speaking and said, “What a beautiful rosary you have around your neck. I was an altar boy and I helped and served the priests.”
The man was cordial again and said thank you. As I stood in line, this man then came over, and stood next to me on my left. Out of my spirit in a whisper came, get behind me Satan. Within a second this man took a quick step back and got behind me. This was funny to me because I don’t normally talk that way, but would just pay no mind.
Jesus said in Luke 10:17-20,
17) Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”
18) And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
19) Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
20) Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
I rejoice that my name is written in heaven. Are you rejoicing also?
It is not so much that devils are subject to Jesus in us, but that we will spend eternity with The Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and all the host of heaven. Amen!
If you don’t know if your name is in the book of life, just call on Jesus!
God bless,
Servant and prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ

Vuoi rinascere? / Do You Want To Be Born Again? italiano/english

Se c’è qualcuno là fuori che desidera essere salvato, rinascere, essere unito al Signore, essere salvato dai propri peccati, per avere la vita eterna.
La lettera ai Romani 10:9-10 dice:
9) Perché se con la tua bocca confesserai il Signore Gesú, e crederai in cuore tuo che Dio lo ha risuscitato da morte, sarai salvato.
10) Imperocché col cuore si crede a giustizia; e con la bocca si fa confessione a salvezza.
La lettera ai Romani 10:13 dice, Conciossiaché chiunque invocherà il nome del Signore sarà salvato.
Cosí se vuoi essere salvato, ripeti dopo di me .... Gesú, Gesú, Gesú, Gesú. Ora sei salvato; rinasci di nuovo.
Che Dio benedica,
If there is anyone out there who wants to be saved, born again, to be joined with the Lord, to be saved from your sins, so you may have eternal life.
Romans 10:9-10, says:
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10:13 says, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So if you want to be saved, repeat after me…. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Now you are saved, you are born again.
God bless,

Thursday, March 1, 2018

White Lies

Do you realize a white lie is still a lie and it is not justified by diminishing what it is called?
You can only be justified through the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless,
Keith Leahy, servant and prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ.