Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Word From The Lord

The Lord gave me this word but know it is not for me alone. Will you believe God has called you as well?
Now is the appointed time that I have called you out.
Out of the ways you have known and the things you have known and called you unto me
saith the Lord.
Do not fear for I am with you nor be afraid for I am delivering you from your adversaries.
Do not say the Lord has not heard your cry for indeed I have and will fulfill all I have promised you. I have heard your cries in the night and day and am coming to rescue you. I know it has been hard and though you go through the fire you will not be consumed and through the waters you will not drown. I will bring you through and undo all that the devil has caused for harm and bring you to a place of peace that you so long for, saith the Lord.
I am scattering all your enemies though it does not appear like it. Continue to believe what I have told you, your hope is not in vein nor will you be ashamed.
When you come through you will know me and that I am the God the health thee. Saith the Lord
I will put my foot on all your enemies.
God bless you.
Keith Leahy,
Servant and prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ

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