Friday, September 15, 2017

Hurricane Irma


This particular hurricane caught my attention, from the time it was out in the Atlantic. Someone who lives near me, asked if God was saying anything to me about it.
I said, “It had my attention and I knew it was going to cause great damage, especially in Miami.” “I told that person, we would be alright.”
For me, God was leading me to pray about this one. He continued to minister the anointing and reassure that I would be fine. That anointing was so strong on me throughout the whole storm, and I thank God for Him being an ever present help in my time of need.
For whatever reason, the hurricane in Houston, I did not have an unction to pray about, other than God having mercy on Houston, as I only had a sense it was going to hit and that was it.
When God told me when it was coming towards Barbuda and Cuba, He also revealed to me that it was going to hit on the west side of the state.
I told a couple of folks beforehand, that it was not going up the east coast because the newscasters were predicting that was where it was headed. So, I kept interceding that it would continue to move west, I knew in my spirit that the forecasts were wrong.
I had two prayers in my heart that kept coming up: Spare thy people oh Lord, and as the storm came around the tip of Florida, my prayers changed to commanding the winds to lessen.
The forecasters continued to state it was going to be a category 4 as it was approaching up the west coast, it was forecasted to be a cat 4 and hit Tampa. If you know anything about hurricanes, this would be devastating to hit land at a wind speed up to 150 MPH or more, because most structures cannot handle that wind.
Pamela Pantea was already joining her faith with mine in prayer, but on Saturday when my prayers began to change and I had the mind of God, that evening I texted her, and asked her to pray that the winds would reduce speed. She told me that when I sent that text, she immediately asked the Lord what He wanted her to pray. He brought up the account when He was asleep on the boat and the disciples awakened Him and he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. So, she rebuke the wind and prayed, Peace, be still, throughout that night. I also would like to add, that Psalm 91 came up strong and I was declaring it back to God, because that psalm has been in my heart for years.
Scott Parker and I also prayed and I appreciated his willingness to pray. I called him and said, “Lord, I believe it is right to call Scott and if he answers so be it.” Well, he picked up the phone and just came off a long day of work and was very tired. He told me after we prayed, that when I asked him to pray he was so tired, but the anointing came and he and I prayed strong prayers.
The one thing I did not know but was uneasy in my spirit, was this hurricane coming right over my house, I did not expect that to happen. Well, thank God, it did; as the eye of the storm hit from about 12 midnight to 3 am. I continued to pray along with Terry Mai’s songs all the way and said to the Lord, “I am not giving up!”
Well, if you watched the progress of this hurricane from the time it came around Miami, then through the keys and eventually hitting Naples; the winds had dropped from a cat 4 to a 1. Normally, a hurricane will drop a category or two, once it comes inland but that also depends where it makes landfall.
That was my God all the way. I kept giving Him thanks and resisting the winds, with as much as was in me. Pam and I continued to pray for the electricity to stay on and God honored those prayers. I had a generator but never had to use it.
Thank God He came through big, I sustained only some minor damage which God will fix. The next day, I noticed that my neighbors lost all of their fencing and screening, God perfectly spared mine. It was only the grace and mercy of God for this protection. Prior and during the storm, there was one song that I continued to sing, “Victory in Jesus.”
My prayers now are for those who were hit hard, because some still have no power, estimated for two weeks in places only two miles from me.
I pray that those in need get help, and in the process, God will turn their hearts to Him; and believe on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, which is the power of God unto their salvation.
All the glory goes to my Father in heaven and my Lord Jesus.
God bless,
Keith Leahy,
Servant and prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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