The Spirit of the Lord directed me to post this testimony on FB today. I pray it will minister to you about how to receive the benefits of the gospel. I originally wrote this testimony in 1998, and I thank God for all He taught me about believing through the many trials with Daniel's birth. Today being Daniel's 18th birthday, I thank God for his life (of course, I'm his mom!!). There were numerous attacks on him even being born, and I look forward to seeing God's plan for his life fully unfold!! God knows it is the deepest desire of my heart to see ALL of my children walk upright before the Lord in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. I thank God for what He has done and is continuing to work in each of their lives.
In 1991 I became pregnant with our fourth child. I never had any troubles in my other pregnancies, but early in this one I had several instances of bleeding. Though relatively minor, the recurrence of it concerned me, so one Sunday night in church I told Doyle about it. As we talked, I told him that my mother had a pregnancy with the condition where she bled the entire time, ending up with the boy being born three months premature and living only three days. Doyle told me that was a curse, and then immediately God began setting me free of that same curse.
After that, I had no more bleeding and thought all was fine. Then, one night about half way through my pregnancy, I went in to the restroom and dark blood came pouring out of me! I was horrified and yelled out to Steve that there was something wrong – something terribly wrong! I called my midwife, and she told me several things to do, one of which was to stay in bed, off of my feet, for 48 hours. Then, we called Doyle and asked him to pray. When I told him what happened, he asked me if it was bright red or dark blood. I told him it was dark, and he said that the fetus might not be alive – he didn’t know anything for sure, there was nothing in his spirit, but dark blood is dead blood.
Of course, I was stunned. He said he would keep praying for me. This all happened on a Saturday night, and I was wondering whether to go to the church meeting the next morning or whether I should stay in bed as my midwife had advised. I asked Doyle if I should follow her advice and stay in bed or come to church. (I expected him to say, “Oh come and believe God!”) Well, he said that he could not tell me what to do. He said that this was something that Steve and I would have to settle for ourselves, what we had faith to do. When we hung up the phone, immediately I told Steve, “If ever there was a time that I need to be around the power of God, it is now!” I was convinced that the power of God could help me far more than bed rest! Steve agreed with me.
Then, I went into my kitchen table and sat down to read the Psalms. My other children were asleep, the house was quiet, and I felt devastated! I tried to read but just could not concentrate. I kept thinking, if only I knew if this baby was alive or not, then I would know what to believe. If it was alive, then I would believe for the baby to be healed; and if not, I admitted to myself that in no way did I think I had faith to raise the dead, so I should just set my heart to believe to get through this and be healed up. But, I was very torn as to what to believe for now?
My heart was just wrestling with this - WHAT should I believe? This question kept going round and round inside of me. What should I believe, if only I knew which way to believe! Then, I heard the Spirit of the Lord clearly say to me, “Believe the gospel.” Instantly, I thought, I can do that! I know what that means. My heart was settled right away. I began to meditate on the power of the resurrection, how Jesus died on the cross and carried every sickness and every curse for me, how he put off every wicked spirit when he was raised from the dead, forgave my sins and healed all my sicknesses. I will tell you, that I didn’t focus on my physical condition in any way – what it was or could be, good or bad. I just set my will on the gospel to trust that power that raised Jesus from the dead. I read for awhile and then went to bed. I had amazing peace for the night.
The next morning I got up and got ready for church. We went to the west side meeting that morning and Doyle was not there. Water of Life Ministries had two meetings in Plano at that time, and Doyle was on the east side on Sunday mornings. As soon as we started to worship, I began to weep. Steve began praying for me, and Ralph Edge came over and prayed for me, too. I got some very powerful deliverance. For at least thirty minutes God set me free of witchcraft with much strong shaking (like a dog plays with its toy); it was not very gentle treatment considering bed rest had been recommended! But getting set free of witchcraft did not harm me! I was completely healed. I had no more bleeding after that. Though I did take it somewhat easier that week, I continued to go to praise and worship every morning at church. At the end of the week, I went for a sonogram, and the doctor could find no sign of any problem whatsoever with me or the baby! This little boy on the screen looked completely normal and healthy.
I had no more problems, and Daniel was born in May 1992. But, when he was born, he was very gray colored – not pink like all my other babies had looked. I knew what a healthy baby should look like, and he looked bad. The midwife and her assistants were very busy working on him to clear his lungs and get him to start breathing. He had inhaled some meconium on his way out and could not breathe. They worked for what seemed like TOO long. I had this huge conviction inside of me and prayed – Jesus, we’ve come through too much to lose him now! Don’t even think he’s not going to make it! Suddenly, Daniel started breathing.
The next day, they told me that his heart rate was too high and his breathing rate too low and that we should go right away to our pediatrician because Daniel might have an infection and should probably be put on antibiotics. As we were driving to the pediatrician’s office, I told Steve that a 97% victory was not good enough - that was just not acceptable! For this baby to be almost ok but have to have medication was not sitting right with me at all. I could humble myself and put him on antibiotics if necessary, but after all the healing power that we had experienced, I wanted no less than 100% perfect health. When the pediatrician came in and checked him over, every test came out perfect, no breathing problems, no high heart rate, and no medication prescribed! There were no more problems of any kind. Praise God!
Doyle Davidson had taught us for years to believe the gospel – not believe the benefits. The benefits come through believing the gospel, trusting the power that raised Jesus from the dead. This experience made it very clear to me. We don’t have to believe for the outcome. It’s very liberating when we don’t have to figure out how to pray! We don’t get healing believing for healing. We get healing or whatever we need by believing that Jesus died, was buried and raised from the dead and that same power that raised up the Lord Jesus will work in our lives for whatever we need when we believe.
Oh how I thank God for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Trust the gospel today for victory and blessing in every area of your life. He showed His love for YOU on Calvary!
God bless you,
In 1991 I became pregnant with our fourth child. I never had any troubles in my other pregnancies, but early in this one I had several instances of bleeding. Though relatively minor, the recurrence of it concerned me, so one Sunday night in church I told Doyle about it. As we talked, I told him that my mother had a pregnancy with the condition where she bled the entire time, ending up with the boy being born three months premature and living only three days. Doyle told me that was a curse, and then immediately God began setting me free of that same curse.
After that, I had no more bleeding and thought all was fine. Then, one night about half way through my pregnancy, I went in to the restroom and dark blood came pouring out of me! I was horrified and yelled out to Steve that there was something wrong – something terribly wrong! I called my midwife, and she told me several things to do, one of which was to stay in bed, off of my feet, for 48 hours. Then, we called Doyle and asked him to pray. When I told him what happened, he asked me if it was bright red or dark blood. I told him it was dark, and he said that the fetus might not be alive – he didn’t know anything for sure, there was nothing in his spirit, but dark blood is dead blood.
Of course, I was stunned. He said he would keep praying for me. This all happened on a Saturday night, and I was wondering whether to go to the church meeting the next morning or whether I should stay in bed as my midwife had advised. I asked Doyle if I should follow her advice and stay in bed or come to church. (I expected him to say, “Oh come and believe God!”) Well, he said that he could not tell me what to do. He said that this was something that Steve and I would have to settle for ourselves, what we had faith to do. When we hung up the phone, immediately I told Steve, “If ever there was a time that I need to be around the power of God, it is now!” I was convinced that the power of God could help me far more than bed rest! Steve agreed with me.
Then, I went into my kitchen table and sat down to read the Psalms. My other children were asleep, the house was quiet, and I felt devastated! I tried to read but just could not concentrate. I kept thinking, if only I knew if this baby was alive or not, then I would know what to believe. If it was alive, then I would believe for the baby to be healed; and if not, I admitted to myself that in no way did I think I had faith to raise the dead, so I should just set my heart to believe to get through this and be healed up. But, I was very torn as to what to believe for now?
My heart was just wrestling with this - WHAT should I believe? This question kept going round and round inside of me. What should I believe, if only I knew which way to believe! Then, I heard the Spirit of the Lord clearly say to me, “Believe the gospel.” Instantly, I thought, I can do that! I know what that means. My heart was settled right away. I began to meditate on the power of the resurrection, how Jesus died on the cross and carried every sickness and every curse for me, how he put off every wicked spirit when he was raised from the dead, forgave my sins and healed all my sicknesses. I will tell you, that I didn’t focus on my physical condition in any way – what it was or could be, good or bad. I just set my will on the gospel to trust that power that raised Jesus from the dead. I read for awhile and then went to bed. I had amazing peace for the night.
The next morning I got up and got ready for church. We went to the west side meeting that morning and Doyle was not there. Water of Life Ministries had two meetings in Plano at that time, and Doyle was on the east side on Sunday mornings. As soon as we started to worship, I began to weep. Steve began praying for me, and Ralph Edge came over and prayed for me, too. I got some very powerful deliverance. For at least thirty minutes God set me free of witchcraft with much strong shaking (like a dog plays with its toy); it was not very gentle treatment considering bed rest had been recommended! But getting set free of witchcraft did not harm me! I was completely healed. I had no more bleeding after that. Though I did take it somewhat easier that week, I continued to go to praise and worship every morning at church. At the end of the week, I went for a sonogram, and the doctor could find no sign of any problem whatsoever with me or the baby! This little boy on the screen looked completely normal and healthy.
I had no more problems, and Daniel was born in May 1992. But, when he was born, he was very gray colored – not pink like all my other babies had looked. I knew what a healthy baby should look like, and he looked bad. The midwife and her assistants were very busy working on him to clear his lungs and get him to start breathing. He had inhaled some meconium on his way out and could not breathe. They worked for what seemed like TOO long. I had this huge conviction inside of me and prayed – Jesus, we’ve come through too much to lose him now! Don’t even think he’s not going to make it! Suddenly, Daniel started breathing.
The next day, they told me that his heart rate was too high and his breathing rate too low and that we should go right away to our pediatrician because Daniel might have an infection and should probably be put on antibiotics. As we were driving to the pediatrician’s office, I told Steve that a 97% victory was not good enough - that was just not acceptable! For this baby to be almost ok but have to have medication was not sitting right with me at all. I could humble myself and put him on antibiotics if necessary, but after all the healing power that we had experienced, I wanted no less than 100% perfect health. When the pediatrician came in and checked him over, every test came out perfect, no breathing problems, no high heart rate, and no medication prescribed! There were no more problems of any kind. Praise God!
Doyle Davidson had taught us for years to believe the gospel – not believe the benefits. The benefits come through believing the gospel, trusting the power that raised Jesus from the dead. This experience made it very clear to me. We don’t have to believe for the outcome. It’s very liberating when we don’t have to figure out how to pray! We don’t get healing believing for healing. We get healing or whatever we need by believing that Jesus died, was buried and raised from the dead and that same power that raised up the Lord Jesus will work in our lives for whatever we need when we believe.
Oh how I thank God for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Trust the gospel today for victory and blessing in every area of your life. He showed His love for YOU on Calvary!
God bless you,
Terre Brown
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