Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Road Coming Back by Dianna Rice

In the beginning of 2002, my divorce was final, and at that time I became offended at God. I just started my own business and was working a maximum of 12 hours a day.

 Over the next few years, I became more and more offended at God and it eventually drove me out of the church. By the end of 2006, in my disobedience I stopped attending completely.

From then on I worked, played, and got deeper and deeper into sin. Around 2008, the appraisal industry changed how orders were made, so that meant my clientele was dried up. In the middle of March of 2008, my lender sent a letter stating I was behind on my property taxes, over $15,000+ (the lender never informed me that they were not included in my mortgage payment).
A few months later they sent another letter stating that they rolled it into the loan. The payment increased approximately $800 more a month, and due to a lack of business coming in, I was unable to make the payments.
I lived in the house until the middle of 2010, without making a single payment. The homeowners association tried to foreclose on the house, but it turned out they had the wrong legal description, so they couldn’t get it done. I thank God that even in my rebellion he never let the bank foreclose on my loan.

The latter part of 2008, I remember laying in my living room crying out to God, to deliver me out of this situation; and I prayed that way for several months. The first time I returned to Water of Life, was for Terry Mai’s funeral. As I sat there the spirit of God rested on me, I felt like I had come home from a long journey, I knew then I could never leave again.

At the time I returned back to Water of Life, I had very little work coming in. God instructed me to go out every night and pray for an hour in my car. This went on for about a year and during those nights out praying, God delivered me from spirits that I picked up in my rebellion. During the day if I had no work, I would go out and pray and when I returned home, I would have an order. Gradually my worked increased. In June of 2010 I was making enough money to support myself again. In the same period of time, the Lord sold my house.

I know that Doyle was praying for me, my family was praying for me also. I thank God for Doyle Davidson and my sister Kathy Wells, without their prayers, I would have never gotten out. Doyle has always said, going out into sin is a lot easier than the road coming back. I agree…

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