Monday, January 19, 2015


Around the month of June of 2014, I began to have a rash develop on the back of my neck. It would come and go, sometimes it would start to spread and get itchy and flaky. A few months later in September my chest started to have these horrible breakouts. Sometimes during the middle of the day it would start to get irritated and spread. It was very ugly to look at, I hated it. I continued to pray, asking the Lord what was going on because I have never in my whole life been allergic to anything. In my old profession as a hairdresser, I used chemicals without gloves more times than I can count. January 1st 2015, Dianna Rice and I started on a Daniel Fast. So I knew bands of wickedness were being loosed but I still didn't fully understand what was happening. I'd never experienced this before. The past 3 weeks things got worse. My face started to itch real bad and breakout after I would use certain products that I had never used before. My lips would get dry and cracked and the skin around my eyes would itch. I knew that the whole problem could not be coming from the products. But they would seem to intensify the symptoms when I continued to use them. To tell you the truth I was getting real frustrated, I continued to pray and it got worse. This past Sunday night, during worship my whole face started to itch and burn, I did consider that during this ordeal that the Lord was delivering me but I didn’t know of what??! After worship a friend came over and I told them what was going on and we continued to pray. And the itching got more intense, from the top of my head to my ankles, the only thing that didn’t itch were my feet! It was so tormenting! I had a recording on of Doyle praying for the body of Christ and we continued to pray.

I went to my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and poured a Big Glass and continued to pray. I was becoming real irritated, and I started saying to the Lord, “Jesus, you’ve got to do something! Tell me what is going on, I don’t think I can take this anymore! I know I can hear your voice, I know I can hear you! What is going on??!” About a minute after I said that to the Lord, I heard the Lord say, “If you’d quit bitchin’ you would hear me.” And that was just it, Jesus was delivering me, that was what was going on! The Lord knew I was frustrated, and he didn't condemn me for it. He still came through for me! Immediately I started laughing and I told my friend what the Lord said to me. My friend was praying for mercy, for the Lord to have mercy on me and all I could do was thank Him. I needed mercy right then! In a few minutes the itching started to subside, then I started feeling a numbing sensation on the area under my nose above my top lip. That went on for about 15 minutes or so, then it was gone. During the time my friend and I were praying it came up that it was a curse that Jesus was dealing with. Today I was talking with another friend and they reminded me of the testimony that Terry Mai had posted about a curse being broken over one of his daughters, where she had tormenting itching. So it was confirmed to me this afternoon what the Lord had done. Last night I had a good night sleep and today no itching or rashes! I’ve been delivered oh praise the Lord!

God Bless!